
My name is J.J.

I think constitutional monarchy is a terrible form of government for a number of reasons, which I will detail within.

5 responses to “About

  1. A note to Americans reading this: “republican” with the lowercase ‘r’ isn’t a political party, especially when used outside the United States. It means an advocate of a constitutional republic form of government rather than a constitutional parliamentary monarchy (like the UK, Canada, or Star Wars Episodes 1 and 2). You can be a good Democrat and a little-r republican at the same time.

  2. It never occurred to me, as an American, that this would have to be explained. Personally, I think anyone who would venture onto this site would already be well versed enough in international politics and the accompanying political terminology to not need an explanation.

    Then again, people do wade onto strange pages sometimes…

  3. Canadian Patriots League

    The Canadian Patriots League is a new political organization that, among many things, is devoted to establishing people’s rule in place of the dman monarchy.

  4. OH! How could you?
    The British Monarchy are simply fabulous.

    They are absolute treasures, and at the same time put up with being equally adored and hated on an international scale.
    They are a wonderful extension of the United Kingdom’s rich history, and give us all a tremendous sense of pride and purpose.

    Sure – the Queen’s a bit stuffy and has been accused of possibly murdered her daughter in-law; Prince Charles wears kilts come rain or shine and had a grand public affair whilst still married; and our two young Princes spend more time in London nightclubs than on the job…

    But that’s the beauty of them:
    You can love them, or love to hate them!

    To not have the choice either way would be a tragedy.

  5. New political party starting up in Canada aimed at getting rid of the monarchy and setting up the Republic of Canada. Very detailed policy platform with various ideas and objectives. Please comment and join. Everyone is welcome.

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